abstract class Ameba::Rule::Base
- Ameba::Rule::Base
- Reference
- Object
Represents a base of all rules. In other words, all rules inherits from this struct:
class MyRule < Ameba::Rule::Base
def test(source)
if invalid?(source)
issue_for line, column, "Something wrong."
private def invalid?(source)
# ...
Enforces rules to implement an abstract #test
method which
is designed to test the source passed in. If source has issues
that are tested by this rule, it should add an issue.
Included Modules
- Ameba::Config::RuleConfig
Direct Known Subclasses
- Ameba::Rule::Documentation::Documentation
- Ameba::Rule::Documentation::DocumentationAdmonition
- Ameba::Rule::Layout::LineLength
- Ameba::Rule::Layout::TrailingBlankLines
- Ameba::Rule::Layout::TrailingWhitespace
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::AmbiguousAssignment
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::BadDirective
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::ComparisonToBoolean
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::DebugCalls
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::DebuggerStatement
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::DuplicatedRequire
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::DuplicateWhenCondition
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::EmptyEnsure
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::EmptyExpression
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::EmptyLoop
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::Formatting
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::HashDuplicatedKey
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::LiteralAssignmentsInExpressions
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::LiteralInCondition
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::LiteralInInterpolation
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::LiteralsComparison
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::MissingBlockArgument
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::NotNil
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::NotNilAfterNoBang
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::PercentArrays
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::RandZero
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::RedundantStringCoercion
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::RedundantWithIndex
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::RedundantWithObject
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::RequireParentheses
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::ShadowedArgument
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::ShadowedException
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::ShadowingOuterLocalVar
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::SharedVarInFiber
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::SpecEqWithBoolOrNilLiteral
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::SpecFilename
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::SpecFocus
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::Syntax
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::TopLevelOperatorDefinition
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::TrailingRescueException
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::Typos
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnneededDisableDirective
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnreachableCode
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnusedArgument
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnusedBlockArgument
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnusedClassVariableAccess
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnusedComparison
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnusedGenericOrUnion
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnusedInstanceVariableAccess
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnusedLiteral
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnusedLocalVariableAccess
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnusedPseudoMethodCall
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UnusedSelfAccess
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UselessAssign
- Ameba::Rule::Lint::UselessConditionInWhen
- Ameba::Rule::Metrics::CyclomaticComplexity
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::AccessorMethodName
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::AsciiIdentifiers
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::BinaryOperatorParameterName
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::BlockParameterName
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::ConstantNames
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::Filename
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::MethodNames
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::PredicateName
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::QueryBoolMethods
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::RescuedExceptionsVariableName
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::TypeNames
- Ameba::Rule::Naming::VariableNames
- Ameba::Rule::Performance::Base
- Ameba::Rule::Style::GuardClause
- Ameba::Rule::Style::HeredocIndent
- Ameba::Rule::Style::IsAFilter
- Ameba::Rule::Style::IsANil
- Ameba::Rule::Style::LargeNumbers
- Ameba::Rule::Style::MultilineCurlyBlock
- Ameba::Rule::Style::NegatedConditionsInUnless
- Ameba::Rule::Style::ParenthesesAroundCondition
- Ameba::Rule::Style::PercentLiteralDelimiters
- Ameba::Rule::Style::RedundantBegin
- Ameba::Rule::Style::RedundantNext
- Ameba::Rule::Style::RedundantReturn
- Ameba::Rule::Style::RedundantSelf
- Ameba::Rule::Style::UnlessElse
- Ameba::Rule::Style::VerboseBlock
- Ameba::Rule::Style::WhileTrue
- Ameba::Rule::Typing::MacroCallArgumentTypeRestriction
- Ameba::Rule::Typing::MethodParameterTypeRestriction
- Ameba::Rule::Typing::MethodReturnTypeRestriction
- Ameba::Rule::Typing::ProcLiteralReturnTypeRestriction
Defined in:
ameba/rule/base.crConstant Summary
{Lint: Ameba::Severity::Warning, Metrics: Ameba::Severity::Warning, Performance: Ameba::Severity::Warning}
Class Method Summary
Macro Summary
issue_for(*args, **kwargs, &block)
Adds an issue to the source
Instance Method Summary
(other can only be aValue
here). -
#catch(source : Source)
A convenient addition to
method that does the same but returns a passed insource
as an addition. -
Checks whether the source is excluded from this rule.
Returns a group this rule belong to.
Generates an
hash value for this object. -
Returns a name of this rule, which is basically a class name.
if this rule is special and behaves differently than usual rules. -
#test(source : Source, node : Crystal::ASTNode, *opts)
NOTE Can't be abstract
#test(source : Source)
This method is designed to test the source passed in.
Macros inherited from module Ameba::Config::RuleConfig
Class Method Detail
Macro Detail
Instance Method Detail
Returns false
(other can only be a Value
A convenient addition to #test
method that does the same
but returns a passed in source
as an addition.
source = MyRule.new.catch(source)
Checks whether the source is excluded from this rule.
It searches for a path in excluded
property which matches
the one of the given source.
my_rule.excluded?(source) # => true or false
Returns a group this rule belong to.
class MyGroup::MyRule < Ameba::Rule::Base
# ...
MyGroup::MyRule.new.group # => "MyGroup"
Generates an UInt64
hash value for this object.
This method must have the property that a == b
implies a.hash == b.hash
The hash value is used along with #==
by the Hash
class to determine if two objects
reference the same hash key.
Subclasses must not override this method. Instead, they must define hash(hasher)
though usually the macro def_hash
can be used to generate this method.
Returns a name of this rule, which is basically a class name.
class MyRule < Ameba::Rule::Base
def test(source)
MyRule.new.name # => "MyRule"
Returns true
if this rule is special and behaves differently than
usual rules.
my_rule.special? # => true or false
This method is designed to test the source passed in. If source has issues that are tested by this rule, it should add an issue.
By default it uses a node visitor to traverse all the nodes in the source.
NOTE Must be overridden for other type of rules.