class Ameba::Rule::Style::IsAFilter


This rule is used to identify usage of is_a?/nil? calls within filters.

For example, this is considered invalid:

matches = %w[Alice Bob].map(&.match(/^A./))

matches.any?(&.is_a?(Regex::MatchData)) # => true                    # => true

typeof(matches.reject(&.nil?))                    # => Array(Regex::MatchData | Nil)
typeof( # => Array(Regex::MatchData | Nil)

And it should be written as this:

matches = %w[Alice Bob].map(&.match(/^A./))

matches.any?(Regex::MatchData) # => true              # => true

typeof(matches.reject(Nil))              # => Array(Regex::MatchData)
typeof( # => Array(Regex::MatchData)

YAML configuration example:

  Enabled: true
    - select
    - reject
    - any?
    - all?
    - none?
    - one?

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

MSG = "Use `%s` instead of `%s`"
NEW = "%s(%s)"
OLD = "%s {...}"


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Ameba::AST::Util

abort?(node) abort?, control_exp_code(node : Crystal::ControlExpression, code_lines) control_exp_code, dynamic_literal?(node) : Bool dynamic_literal?, exit?(node) exit?, flow_command?(node, in_loop) flow_command?, flow_expression?(node, in_loop = false) flow_expression?, literal?(node) : Bool literal?, loop?(node) loop?, name_end_location(node) name_end_location, name_location(node) name_location, name_size(node) name_size, node_source(node, code_lines) node_source, nodoc?(node) nodoc?, path_named?(node, name) : Bool path_named?, raise?(node) raise?, source_between(loc, end_loc, code_lines) : String | Nil source_between, static_literal?(node) : Bool static_literal?

Instance methods inherited from class Ameba::Rule::Base

==(other) ==, catch(source : Source) catch, excluded?(source) excluded?, group group, hash hash, name name, special? special?, test(source : Source, node : Crystal::ASTNode, *opts)
test(source : Source)

Class methods inherited from class Ameba::Rule::Base

default_severity : Ameba::Severity default_severity

Macros inherited from class Ameba::Rule::Base

issue_for(*args, **kwargs, &block) issue_for

Macros inherited from module Ameba::Config::RuleConfig

properties(&block) properties

Constructor Detail

def : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) #

def = nil) #

This rule is used to identify usage of is_a?/nil? calls within filters.

For example, this is considered invalid:

matches = %w[Alice Bob].map(&.match(/^A./))

matches.any?(&.is_a?(Regex::MatchData)) # => true                    # => true

typeof(matches.reject(&.nil?))                    # => Array(Regex::MatchData | Nil)
typeof( # => Array(Regex::MatchData | Nil)

And it should be written as this:

matches = %w[Alice Bob].map(&.match(/^A./))

matches.any?(Regex::MatchData) # => true              # => true

typeof(matches.reject(Nil))              # => Array(Regex::MatchData)
typeof( # => Array(Regex::MatchData)

YAML configuration example:

  Enabled: true
    - select
    - reject
    - any?
    - all?
    - none?
    - one?

[View source]

Class Method Detail

def self.parsed_doc : String | Nil #

Returns documentation for this rule, if there is any.

module Ameba
  # This is a test rule.
  # Does nothing.
  class MyRule < Ameba::Rule::Base
    def test(source)

MyRule.parsed_doc # => "This is a test rule.\nDoes nothing."

Instance Method Detail

def description : String #

def description=(description : String) #

def enabled=(enabled : Bool) #

def enabled? : Bool #

def excluded : Array(String) | Nil #

def excluded=(excluded : Array(String) | Nil) #

def filter_names : Array(String) #

def filter_names=(filter_names : Array(String)) #

def severity : Ameba::Severity #

def severity=(severity : Ameba::Severity) #

def since_version : SemanticVersion | Nil #

[View source]
def since_version=(since_version : String) #

def test(source, node : Crystal::Call) #

[View source]
def test(source) #

[View source]